Bangolf Arena - Version history

Version Content
2.21.4 - Starting fees
- Minor improvements
2.20.30 - Minor improvements
2.20.27 - Minor improvements
2.20.26 - Team tournament support for video graphics page tv.htm
- Fixed a crash in main tournament calculation
- Fixed potential endless dialogs in cup if to many results were registered.
2.20.25 - Fix in import of other individual categories
- Fix of TV-page automatic update could stop
2.20.23 - Automatic update for tv video page tv.htm
- Sort order fix for other individual categories when qualification and dns or dnf.
2.20.22 - Support for new simple to use video graphics
- Improvements in main tournament
- Possible to import players from other individual categories
- Bug fixes and other minor improvements
2.20.13 - Individual sudden death not starting on lane 1
- Improvement in Get suggested players in BAMS
- Bug fixes and other minor improvements
2.20.11 - Current/last round on individual my scoreboard
- Possible to sort categories on Internet
2.20.11 - Current/last round on individual my scoreboard
- Possible to sort categories on Internet
2.20.9 - Support för sudden death
- Automatic Internet update without BAMS
- Reuse of tournament codes for BAMS
- Improvements in Cup (knock-out)
- Other minor improvements
2.19.59 - Minor improvements
2.19.55 - Start scheduling improvements
- BAMS device simulation
- Other minor improvements
2.19.44 - My scoreboard support for video broadcast
2.19.43 - Fast Internet update
2.19.41 - Support for Secure File Transfer Protocol
- My Scoreboard on Internet
- Minor improvements in individual cup
- Other minor improvements
2.19.31 - A few minor improvements
2.19.30 - Several minor improvements
2.19.25 - Move players to several categories
- Improvements in team statistics
- Other minor improvements
2.19.18 - WMF cup tree
- Other minor improvements
2.19.12 - BAMS language support for German, Dutch, French, Swedish and Italian
- Other minor improvements
2.19.4 - Support for displaying results in video
- Updated BAMS functionality
- Other minor improvements
2.18.22 - Courses and lanes from Bangolf Arena Online
- Logos from Bangolf Arena Online
- Improvements in combi tournaments
- Improved scheduling
- Bug fixes
2.18.10 - Fix for team scheduling in several categories
2.18.8 - Minor improvements, mostly for Monrad
2.18.7 - Minor improvements
2.18.4 - Player images from Bangolf Arena Online
2.17.23 - Improved team draw dialog
- Improved individually drawn players
- Improved DNS-handling
- Improved Internet-presentation
- Colours for strokes in modified tables
- Table for this round
and a lot more
2.16.67 - Fixed error message when starting match tournament.
2.16.65 - Improvements in individual cup.
- Improvements in individual draw.
- Improvements in points after rounds layout on Internet.
- Improvements in manual sorting of teams in main tournament.
2.16.61 - Improvements in team raffle dialog
- Improved calculation of aces in a row. Handles rounds that players skipped.
2.16.59 - Improvements in masstart and other minor fixes.
2.16.51 - Improvements in start schedule
2.16.48 - Major improvement of start order
- Team cut
- A lot of other improvements
2.15.29 - Minor changes
2.15.28 - Monrad support
- Other individual categories
- A lot of other improvements
2.14.4 - Start schedule improvements
- Cup improvements
- Raffle improvements
2.14.0 - Individual categogies in team tournament match and cup
- TV graphics support
- Improved synchronisation with BAO.
- Promotor/Organizer
2.13.5 - Improvements for individual categories
2.13.4 - Smarter indivudual categories with properties
- Move player in individual categories
- Improved combi tournamnet support from BAO
- Improved presentation in team categories with one player.
- Other minor improvements.
2.12.28 - Improvement in main tournaments
- Improvements in raffle for teams
- Improvements in start schedule
- Other minor impovements
2.12.19 - Bug fixes and minor improvements.
2.12.17 - Player syncronization with BAO
- Ranking value introduced
- Import players from main tournament
- Improved raffling
- Improved add players dialog
- Several other improvements.
2.11.1 - HTML editors for internet messages.
- Tournament info improvements
- Possible to add more rounds
- Clarification in penalties
- Several other improvements and bug fixes
2.10.5 - Teams support from Bangolf Arena Online
2.10.4  - Start schedule improvements
2.10.3 - Fixed screen error message during substitute
- Minor text changes
2.10.2 - Bug fix in team statistics
2.10.1 - Fixed problem with publishing a main tournament
2.10 - Auto publishing for Austrian tournaments
- Bug fix for read tournament
2.9.4 - Tournament info page on Internet
- Bug fixes
2.9.0 - Improved start schedules
- Improved integration to Bangolf Arena Online
- mproved raffling
- Start order sorted by diff instead of start numbers when sorting according to results
- Most aces on Internet pages
- Bug fixes
2.8.5 - Possible to select to fill unfinished lanes with 7 normal strokes or penalities in cup with lane victories.
- More settings in main tournaments
- Bug fixes
2.8.1 - Bux fix for player place in Bangolf Arena Online
2.8.0 - Start schedule
- Support for playing less than 18 lanes
- Direct import to Bangolf Arena Online
- Improvement when text size in windows i more than 100%
- Bug fixes
2.7.5 - Support for raffling/sorting as team in individual tournaments
- Improvement when text size in windows i more than 100%
- Bug fixes
2.7.0 - Latest version needed to run BAMS
- Minor changes
2.6.8 - Removed a check that made it impossible to add players before teams in some tournament.
- Fixed a problem in team statistics
- Fixed a problem to select course for a individual category for a specific round.
- Fixed a problem that could cause it to be impossible to scroll down in long result list when Windows text size was bigger than 100%
- Sponsorbanner should work when accessed over https
2.6.3 - Improved flow after import of players.
- Improvments before start of tournament with more questions that leads the user.
- Rounds are started automatically in more tournament types.
2.6.2 - Winner of 3rd price in individual cup list is colored as other winners on the screen.
- Fixed a potential close down of screen in individual cup.
- Fixed creating cut that was not working in version 2.6.0 and 2.6.1
2.6.1 - Start groups for individual cup
- Fixed import players function which gives error in 2.6.0
2.6.0 - Team support in Main tournament
- Added features for team tournaments
- Penalty improvements
- Much more
2.5.0 - Improved import från Bangolf Arena Online
- 30 improvements
2.4.0 - Bug fixes
2.3.0 - Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
2.2.0 - Detailed views on Internet for team matches
- Bug fixes
2.1.0 - New installation package
- Visual start groups
- French language
- Bug fixes
2.0.5 - Automatic screen setup
- 10 minor improvements e.g. in screen
- Support for Bangolf Arena Online
2.0.4 - Bug fix for cup tournaments
- Minor changes
2.0.3 - Auto save function
- Eeasier to get started with BAMS
- 20 minor improvements
2.0.2 - New layout for player individual results including lanes
- New screen layouts with 6 and 8 screens
- Minor improvements
2.0.1 - Mostly bugfixes
2.0 - New graphical look
- Support for all countries character set
- Danish language
- 50 other improvements
1.0.4 - Support for player versus player in team cup
- Minor improvements
1.0.3 - Improved sorting in combi tournaments
- BAMS improvements
- Other improvements
1.0.2 - Split screens
- Scrolling screen
- Minor changes
1.0.1 - Player images in result list
- Bug fix in main tournament calculation
- Bug fix when removing player from team
1.0 - The version used in World championchip 2011 with live result reporting from mobile devices. Contains 40 improvements compared to previous version.
0.9.47 - Improvements in Team setup
- BAMS improvements
+ a lot more
0.9.46 - Bug fix in team on screen
- Change in team match order in 4 and 7 team series.
0.9.45 - BAMS (Bangolf Arena Mobile Scorecard)
- MOS (Minigolf Open Standard)
- New penalty system
- Improved Internet pages
- Imroved screen pages
- Match team play with lane victories
- Cup team play with lane victories
- + a lot more
0.9.44 - Improvements in cup with qualification
0.9.43 - Up to 9 screens
- Mixed start order
- Player images on Internet
0.9.42 - Solves a problem with blue or over striked players when printing results or start lists
0.9.41 - "Live result" tab
0.9.40 - Count won holes in match team tournament
- Better updates of results on screen during match
0.9.39 - Support for qualification in individual cup
- 3:rd price match in individual cup
- Warns if the program has to little rights to run
0.9.38 - Remembers recently opened tournaments
- Cup raffle according to ranking
- Improved result presentation during ongoing rounds
0.9.37 - Improved Internet updating
- Scorecard printing before tournament is started
0.9.36 - Cup tree on screen
- Updated Internet file transfer
0.9.35 - Two modes of Internet file transfer
0.9.34 - Check box for selection of all players in player import
- Statistics för several teams
0.9.33 - Support for 3 courts in same tournament
- Main tournament improvements
- Import players from other BA tournaments
- Best players statistics for every hole
- Startorder on screen at any time
- New average calculate in combitournaments
- And a lot more 
0.9.32 - Every individual category can have its own round court order.
- Improvements in rotation
0.9.31 - Penalty strokes for teams
- Hole victories in individual cup
- Better support for players that don't finnish in team tournaments.
- Table summary on Internet for teams
0.9.30 - Team cup
- Points after round in team play
- All tournaments can be part of a main tournament
- Team statistics
0.9.29 - Team difference
- Selectable sum column after any round
- Hole statistics bux fixes
0.9.28 - Print scorecards for all players in a team
0.9.27 - Possible to print Country on scorecards
0.9.26 - Improved hole statistics
0.9.25 - Export to HCP-Online
- Import from HCP-Online, any tournament type
- Test mode
- Par
- Improved info when tournament on two courses
0.9.24 - Improved printouts
0.9.23 - Support for countries, flags, mixed and public tournaments
- Rotation of pair
- New player/team status
- Improved cut handling
- More flexible result views
- Handicap
- Penalty strokes
- Improved printout with preview
- End date
- Improved web pages
- Transition effects on screen
- Ipmort tournament from HCP-online
- Remote interface for other systems
0.9.22 - First version with English language support
